What’s on this week?

We’re going to be at the Tech Jobs Fair, we found a really awesome tool to help you practice for job interviews, unemployment went up at the same time the number of job vacancies rose, and everyone seems to be on sick leave.

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General Community News

News from The Berlin Life community.

⭐ I’m partnering with Tech Jobs Fair and will be one of the moderators that day (see us on their partners page). Come on out to meet German employers and build up your network. Way cool is that the event is free for attendees. I hope to see you there. 🙌

⭐ In personal news, I started a new job last Friday and had one of my first full days in a physical office in years. I was exhausted come evening! I’m excited to continue the journey this week.

⭐ If you missed last week’s newsletter, give it a read – New Citizenship Laws Made it Through Another Round of German Bureaucracy

Food For Thought

Interesting articles about the art of looking for work, humourous memes, or other useful gems floating around the web.

⭐ Do you want to practice your interview skills and then get insight into the answers you provided? Check out Google’s FREE Interview Warmup.

⭐ Some oldie but goodie Berlin Life guides you don’t want to miss include, Is Changing Employers In Germany A Good Idea? and Researching German Companies During Your Job Search.

⭐ Because Bernie memes are always funny 👇

Meme Jobs in Berlin

Companies Hiring

German companies hiring right now.​​

 Native Instruments (Berlin)

​⭐ About You (Hamburg)

 Heartbeat Medical (Berlin)

 GoStudent (Berlin & remote)

 Cinemo (Karlsruhe)

 Ecosia (Berlin)

 Sofico (Munich, Braunshweig, & Stuggart)

 Webfleet (Leipzig & remote)

Be sure to check out our complete list of Berlin companies hiring.

 German Startup News

German startups that recently received funding, were acquired, built up staff, etc., and could be good places to look for jobs.

⭐ ​​Hamburg-based foodtech Circus acquires Berlin-based Aitme to integrate cooking robots to its infrastructure (See their jobs)

⭐ ​​Investors back AskUI’s unique approach to process automation with €4.3M funding

⭐ ​​N26 CPO Gilles BianRosa steps down, becomes supervisory board member

News in Germany

All of the news in Germany.

 Tesla Will Start Its Own Train Shuttle At Giga Berlin In September – Telsa employees can take their own shuttle from Erkner directly to the factory. In other news, their production is down, and they are cutting back on staff.

⭐ ​September 2023: 8 changes affecting expats in Germany – Among the changes, is an astounding development that will take Germany further away from the fax machine – people with new cars can now register them online!

⭐ ​Germany: More people unable to afford good meals – An alarming development that is happening all around the globe and not just in Germany. Read about how you can help homeless people in Berlin.

⭐ ​Extreme renting: limits on rents leave Berlin’s new tenants vying for homes – An insightful read that gives you insight into the problems with the local rental market. However, the article leads with a bit about how a German person struggled to find a flat, then follows that with a white person saying how difficult it is for people of color to find a flat. 🙄

⭐ ​German unemployment rises more than expected in August – No need for concern yet, as the labor market is strong and the demand for skilled workers hasn’t lessened with a rise in the number of job vacancies.

⭐ ​Germany announces €7 billion corporate tax cut – In a rare show of unity, the coalition government agreed on corporate tax cuts with hopes it will inject the German economy with some much-needed love. 💛

⭐ ​‘A horrible idea’: How cuts to Elterngeld will affect families in Germany – Some people feel that the planned cuts of Elterngeld to families earning more than €150,000 per year will affect them quite negatively. Note that this is a members-only article at The Local. As always, I recommend subscribing for news in English and supporting local journalism.

⭐ ​Sharp increase in number of German workers off sick due to stress – People are understandably stressed out and taking time off work in record numbers.

⭐ ​Real wages in Germany increase after 2 years of losses – A positive development for us workers in Germany!

⭐ ​What’s up with those pink metal pipes? – Have you ever wondered why we have pink metal pipes all throughout Berlin? Find out why!

⭐ ​‘Speaking little German is not a barrier to integration, it’s just a technical problem’ – After reading this, I was delighted to discover this article was written by a friend of mine! It offers up a really interesting perspective on language learning and what it takes to settle in Germany.

⭐ ​Tourism: Bye-bye backpackers — hello culture buffs? – Germany wants to attract a different kind of tourist.

​⭐ This is a German’s typical working day – A way fun video offering insight as to what it’s like to work in Germany. Kudos to the DW team for their really awesome content. You may recognize many of them from their TikTok channel.

How We Can Help

Some of the good stuff offered by the Berlin Life.

⭐ Get connected with other like-minded professionals in our community by adding yourself to our LinkedIn Connect and Exchange list.

⭐ Chat with others in our Facebook and Slack community spaces. 🗣️

We also offer career coaching and other services, as well as free guides to living, working, and moving to Berlin. Be sure to check us out!

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Cheryl Howard, Founder @ The Berlin Life

Cheryl Howard, Founder @ The Berlin Life

Hi, I’m Cheryl. My mission is to help you move to Berlin and find work.

A Canadian in Berlin for 10+ years, I have the unique experience of moving to Berlin – not once, but twice. During my time in Berlin, I’ve had five different visas and worked as both a freelancer and a permanent employee for numerous Berlin companies. I even managed to find a new job during the pandemic and again in 2023, during Germany’s recession and massive layoffs in tech. 

My day job has involved work as a hiring manager, overseeing the recruitment of countless people, as well as a team coach helping teams and individuals work better and find happiness in their careers. Through my side projects, I’ve also shared my personal experiences by publishing a series of helpful blog posts, creating a thriving community of job seekers, and hosting events to help people find work in Berlin. In 2021, I decided to put my coaching and recruiting talents to use by creating The Berlin Life, bringing my existing content and community together in one spot.

The combination of my personal and professional experience means I know exactly what it takes to move to Berlin and find work.