Real Estate

We Help People Move To Berlin and Find Work

We offer career coaching services and CV/cover letter reviews to help you find a job in Germany.

Career Boost Germany

The Berlin Life is pleased to announce the pending launch of Career Boost Germany, an online learning portal where you can enroll in flexible and affordable mini-courses to learn about how to find work in Germany.

Tailored specifically for the English-speaking German job market, acquire the essential techniques to create job applications that will get you noticed by German employers. Master strategies to ace German job interviews, negotiate a generous employment offer, and more. 👀 Get a sneak peek.

Our Services 

The Berlin Life - Interview Coaching

Cover Letter & CV Coaching – €90

Get career coaching on how to create a standout job application, for either cover letters or CVs.

Detailed feedback via a workbook about how to improve your current CV, plus a list of relevant resources

Our call to review the workbook together, discuss the feedback, and how to implement it

Knowledge about how to approach your CV in the future

♥ A complimentary review from me once you’ve drafted your new CV

A bonus 10% discount for a future coaching session

Ability to come to me anytime for follow-up questions and advice (lifetime support)

Let me help you present the best version of yourself in your job applications so German employers will want to hire you.

The Berlin Life - Mentor Hour

Interview Coaching – €90

Are you about to have your very first job interview in Germany? Are you feeling nervous, unsure about what to expect, and curious to know more about the norms of interviews in Germany? Sessions will be catered to individual needs and we can cover some of the following things:

Discuss what to expect in German job interviews, as well as success tips

Develop your responses to typical interview questions like the time-old, “Tell me about yourself” including how to structure your answers

Practice answering questions together through a mock interview format, with me providing observations and suggestions

Answer any questions or concerns that you have

Ability to come to me anytime for follow-up questions and advice (lifetime support)

The Berlin Life - CV/Cover Letter Quick Review

CV/Cover Letter Quick Review – €70

Have an experienced professional review your CV or cover letter. Receive extensive feedback including:

♥ Design and formatting suggestions

♥ Advice about how to adjust your CV or cover letter for the German labor market

♥ Insight into how to best position yourself with concrete suggestions about how to expand upon your experiences, skills, talents, etc.

* Feedback will be provided in written form via Google Docs and doesn’t include a coaching session.

Let me help you present the best version of yourself in your job applications so German employers will want to hire you.

General FAQ

ℹ️ Commonly asked questions about our services 

Can you find me a job in Germany?

We’re not a recruiting firm, so finding a job is ultimately your responsibility. But we are a community-minded hub of information and services, offering plenty of resources to help you find a job in Germany, from our career guides to our community support, as well as our services like career coaching.

Can The Berlin Life guarantee me a job in Germany if we use one of your services?

As we discuss in our article about the reality of finding work in Berlin, the job-seeking experience is different for everyone, so to say that we can guarantee you a job would only be disingenuous. We certainly try our best to help based on our knowledge and expertise. Several of our clients have reported higher success rates after using our services. cool

If I send you my CV or cover letter, will you review it?

Sorry, but we don’t work for free. Don’t send us your job applications unless you’ve purchased a quick review or a career coaching package.

Do you do "rush jobs"?

Nope. As The Berlin Life is a side hustle in addition to my day job, all services are delivered within the specified time frames.

Can you help me with my visa situation?

While The Berlin Life can provide general guidance as to the type of visas available in Germany, we’re not visa specialists and we cannot help you with your specific situation. We recommend employing the help of experts, be it a relocation company or an immigration lawyer.